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Various stages
Pretreatment: Attachment
Pretreatment: Freezing
Pretreatment: Mass fermentation
Treatment: Sulfur
Main fermentation
Stop fermentation
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Pretreatment: Attachment

  1 handful of raisins (20-25 stk)
  1 liter of water
  200 g sugar
  Wine yeast
  yeast nutrient.

  Boil water and add the raisins and sugar.
  Cool to about 25 degrees, and add yeast and 1/3 of the yeast nutrient.   When it ferments properly (may take 4-24 hours), it is ready to be mixed with the wine.

The advantage of the attachment:
  + Attackment start fermentation in a sugar solution, and you don't get "duds" (the yeast does not work).
  + You can use sulfur in the new wine without stopping the fermentation.
  + Is necessary in berries with a natural preservative (blueberries, cranberries...)